CPF files and documentation
Information: Links re-direct to GitHub server where the current version of the files is stored.
Current version: CPF ver. 1.5 (31.05.2023)
Information: Packed (zip) folder with the latest full set of CPF’s syntax files for running the harmonization code.
Contains: Stata’s syntax do-files in an organized folder structure
Instruction: Unpack the entire folder structure to “11_CPF_in_syntax” (or simply rename “CPF-Code-main” as “11_CPF_in_syntax”)
File: CPF_Manual_v*.pdf
Information: The Codebook presents an overview of variables included in the CPF database in version 1.0. It includes definition, labels and response categories, total frequencies and cross-tabulation by country, additional notes, presentation of original questions and source variables.
The file opens on GitHub.
File: CPF_Codebook_v*.pdf
Information: The manual presents the design and content of the CPF, explains the logic of the project, workflow and technical details. It also describes the CPF’s open-science platform.
The file opens on GitHub.