Hi, first I want to thank you for putting together a brilliant and really invaluable resource. I have a query about the net household income in UKHLS. You have currently coded:
* hhinc_pre
* hhinc_post – //better indicator
recode fihhmngrs_dv (-9=.), gen(hhinc_post)
// lab var hhinc_pre “HH income(month, pre)”
lab var hhinc_post “HH income(month, post)”
On the UKHLS website (https://www.understandingsociety.ac.uk/documentation/mainstage/user-guides/main-survey-user-guide/household-income-variables/), fihhmngrs_dv is for gross income and fihhmnnet1_dv is the variable for net. Is this an error or a coding decision?
Thank you again.